International Dragonfly Fund – Report 118-126
Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund. Sammelband

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Seitenzahl: 185 (181 Farbfotos, 5 Tabellen, 3 Diagramme, 8 Verbreitungskarten)
Format: 21 cm x 15cm (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-3-931921-22-4
Preis: 21,90 €
Der Band enthält 9 Originalarbeiten über Libellen aus verschiedenen Ländern. U.a. systematische Arbeiten und Bestandserfassungen:

IDF-Report 118: Mélanie Turiault (2018) – A catalogue of the types of Protoneurinae and Disparoneurinae deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (Odonata). 10 Seiten
A catalogue of all types of subfamilies Protoneurinae and Disparoneurinae currently housed in the entomological collection of the Museum für Naturkunde − Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science in Berlin (Germany) is presented. It includes current status of the family-group, genus-group and species-group names, transcriptions of data labels and references to the original descriptions.
Key words: Odonata, damselfly, Zygoptera, catalogue, collection locality, collector, verbatim label, type, Allocnemis contraria (Schmidt, 1951), Allocnemis flavipennis (Selys, 1863), Allocnemis superba (Schmidt, 1951), Elattoneura cellularis (Grünberg, 1902), Prodasineura verticalis (Selys, 1860), Idioneura ancilla Selys, 1860, Nososticta africana (Schmidt, 1944), Neoneura carnatica Hagen in Selys, 1886.

IDF-Report 119: Reagan Joseph T. Villanueva, Hilario Cahilog, Edgar Jose & Jonah van Beijnen (2018) – A brief odonatological survey in Palawan and in Cuyo Island, the Philippines. 12 Seiten
An odonatological survey, based on sighting and photographic documenting, was conducted in Palawan and in Cuyo Island. Ten species were found in Cuyo Island raising the number of known species from five to eleven. There are six additions to the Cuyo Island fauna: Agriocnemis f. femina, Ischnura senegalensis, Pseudagrion microcephalum, Brachydiplax c. chalybea, Neurothemis fluctuans and Neurothemis t. terminata. The occurrence of Coeliccia boettcheri, known from Cuyo, but not recorded during this survey, is discussed in some detail. Forty species were recorded in Palawan. Four new additions to the Palawan fauna were recorded: Lestes p. praemorsus, Pseudagrion microcephalum, Xiphiagrion cyanomelas, and Anax guttatus. Neurobasis daviesi, a rare calopterygid damselfly endemic in Palawan, was encountered at the northern side of Cleopatra Needle during the survey.
Key words: Odonata, Cleopatra’s Needle Forest Reserve, Puerto Princesa.

IDF-Report 120: Oleg E. Kosterin (2018) – Spring aspect of Odonata of the Abrau Peninsula, the Black Sea coast of the West Caucasus, as observed in May 2018. 28 Seiten
Results of a brief examination of the spring aspect of Odonata at the Abrau Peninsula and some nearby localities on 21-27th May 2018 are presented. Lestes dryas and Caliaeschna microstigma are reported for the Peninsula for the first time, revealing the world northernmost record of the latter. Some old data of Odonata at Novorossiysk and some recent erroneous data on the Krasnodarskiy Kray are referenced and discussed. The known Odonata fauna of the Abrau Peninsula reaches 38 species.
Key words: Russia, West Caucasus, Black Sea coast, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Odonata, fauna, Abrau Peninsula, Caliaeschna microstigma, Red Data Book, crepuscular behaviour, preying by birds, phenology.

IDF-Report 121: Oleg E. Kosterin (2018) – Macromidia genialis buusraaensis subspecies nova (Odonata, Synthemistidae s.l.) from eastern Cambodia. 26 Seiten
Macromidia genialis buusraaensis subspecies nova is described from 10 males and 2 females from three localities of Mondulkiri Province, the eastern Cambodia (the type locality: a brook downstream Buu Sraa Waterfall 12°34′ N 107°25′ E). The new subspecies is close to M. g. shanensis Fraser, 1927 and differs from it by an additional, and the broadest, yellow spot on S7. It is partly syntopic with Macromidia rapida Martin, 1907. A brief overview of the current knowledge of the genus Macromidia Martin, 1907 is provided.
Key words: dragonfly, Corduliidae, Synthemistidae, Idionychinae, Macromidia, Odonata, Cambodia, new subspecies

IDF-Report 122: Rory A. Dow & Frank R. Stokvis (2018) – Odonata from Gunung Melatai and two other locations in Kapit Division, Sarawak, with a review of the genus Heliogomphus in Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. 25 Seiten
Records of Odonata from Gunung Melatai, Nanga Gaat and the Kastima Logging area, all in Sarawak’s Kapit Division, are presented. The most notable records are of Matronoides cyaneipennis Förster, 1897 and Heliogomphus blandulus Lieftinck, 1929. A distribution map for Matronoides cyaneipennis and updated distribution maps for three species from the Coeliccia borneensisgroup are given. Tentative identifications to species of previously published records of Idionyx females are given. The genus Heliogomphus in Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore is reviewed and a simple one marker molecular analysis is presented for the genus in this region. Based on reexamination of specimens from the genus and the molecular results, an additional member of the genus is reported from Borneo: H. sp. cf olivaceus Lieftinck, 1961. Although both morphological and molecular results remain incomplete, it does appear likely that there is at least one more species of Heliogomphus present in Borneo than has been recognised until now, and that H. borneensis Lieftinck, 1964 may be a junior synonym of H. kelantanensis (Laidlaw, 1902).
Key words: Odonata, Coeliccia orneensisgroup, Heliogomphus, Idionyx, Matronoides, gene trees, COI.

IDF-Report 123: Oleg E. Kosterin & Gerard Chartier (2018) – More Odonata found at the Cardamonean foothills in Koh Kong Province of Cambodia in 2014-2018. 21 Seiten
Still unpublished data on Odonata of the coastal foothills of the Cardamom Mts. In Koh Kong Province, SW Cambodia obtained in 20142018 are provided. Tetrathemis flavescens Kirby, 1889 is for the first time reported for Cambodia and Risiophlebia guentheri Kosterin, 2015 for SW Cambodia. The photographic records from this area of Gynacantha basiguttata Selys, 1882, Gynacantha demeter Ris, 1911, Heliaeschna crassa Krüger, 1899, Amphithemis curvistyla Selys, 1891 and Pornothemis serrata Krüger, 1902 have been confirmed by specimens. The known local faunas of two neighbouring rivulets in Koh Kong Province, rich in Odonata, are updated and summarised.
Key words: Odonata, dragonflies, damselflies, fauna, the first country record, Cambodia, Koh Kong Province, Cardamoms, Tetrathemis flavescens, Risiophlebia guentheri, confirmation of photographic records

IDF-Report 124: Van Quang To & Quoc Toan Phan (2018) – A record of Sinolestes editus Needham, 1930 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Synlestidae) from the Central Highlands of Vietnam, with descriptions of the collected male and female specimens. 9 Seiten

IDF-Report 125: Zohreh Eslami, Mehregan Ebrahimi & Saber Sadeghi (2018) – Late spring records of Odonata from the west margin of the Namak Lake, Northwest of Central Plateau of Iran. 18 Seiten
A total of 20 Odonata species were recorded from 15 water bodies (3 natural water bodies and 12 man-made reservoirs) in a desert landscape west of the Namak Lake in the northwest of the Central Plateau of Iran, from 27 May to 20 June, 2017. The study area included Qom province and the northern part of Esfahan province (34.07 to 35.14 N, 51.33 to 50.89 E). For Qom province, 17 out of 18 species found are new provincial records. In addition Selysiothemis nigra, Orthetrum chrysostigma and Orthetrum taeniolatum are new findings for Esfahan province. The species around the man-made reservoirs are characterized by a broad ecological amplitude (“generalists”) while species assemblages of natural water bodies consisted of more sensitive species. In the arid climate of central part of Iran, man-made reservoirs are major habitats for Odonata species. Although these reservoirs have increased the amount of habitat for generalist species, they do not foster sensitive and specialist species. Furthermore, considering the more intense droughts predicted for these areas in the future, and the current scenario of environmental degradation, some sensitive species may be in danger of local extinction.
Key words: Central Plateau of Iran, Odonata, dragonflies, damselflies, Namak Lake, salinity, bioindicatorial value.

IDF-Report 126: Jens Kipping, Falk Petzold & César Ngoulou (2018) – Dragonfly and Damselfly (Insects: Odonata) inventory of the Réserve Naturelle des Gorilles de LésioLouna (RNGLL) on the Batéké Plateau in the Republic of Congo. 36 Seiten
We present records of 99 Odonata species from the Réserve Naturelle des Gorilles de Lésio-Louna (RNGLL) in the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) collected during a short survey from 14 January to 01 February 2017. It is the first systematic Odonata inventory for the RNGLL and for the Congolese part of the species-rich Batéké Plateau. A short introduction is given about the existing knowledge of dragonflies and damselflies from the country. Amongst the recorded species eight are new for the country list, raising it to at least 208 species. Some of the recorded species are endemic and characteristic for sandy streams and rivers of the Batéké Plateau. The potential diversity of the plateau in comparison to other regions of the country is discussed.