International Dragonfly Fund – Report 168-173
International Dragonfly Fund. Sammelband

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Seitenzahl: 150 (zahlreiche Farbfotos, Verbreitungskarten, Tabellen und Diagramme)
Format: 21 x 15 cm (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-3-931921-42-2
Preis: 22,90 €
Dieser Sammelband enthält 6 Forschungsarbeiten aus Borneo, Vietnam, Zambia, Papua Newguinea und Azerbaijan, mit insgesamt 150 Seiten sowie zahlreichen Farbfotos, Verbreitungskarten, Tabelle und Diagrammen.
IDF-Report 168 (2022): 1-23: Odonata collected in 2021 in Azerbaijan, including new data on Gomphus schneiderii Selys, 1850 and Libellula pontica Selys, 1887 (Nataly Yu. Snegovaya); published: 21.01.2022 – 25-32: On the occurrence of Gomphus vulgatissimus (Linnaeus, 1758) and G. schneiderii Selys, 1850 in Azerbaijan – a brief discussion of the known status quo (Martin Schorr & Nataly Yu. Snegovaya); published: 24.01.2022 – 33-36: Reply to Schorr & Snegovaya (2022), this volume of IDF-Report (Jean-Pierre Boudot); published: 03.02.2022 – 37-42: Editor’s response to Boudot (2022) (Martin Schorr); published: 16.02.2022 – 43-55: Call it schneiderii, but document which identification key you used (Martin Schorr); published: 17.02.2022 (Hinweis: dies ist eine geänderte Version des IDF-Report 168 mit Stand 17.02.2022, welche die früheren Versionen ersetzt).
IDF-Report 169 (2022): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part VIII: New records from Kapit Division (Rory Dow).
IDF-Report 170 (2022): Redescription of the male of Tanymecosticta filiformis (Ris, 1898) from New Britain, Papua New Guinea, including the first description of the female (Odonata: Isostictidae) (Dirk Gassmann).
IDF-Report 171 (2022): Rift valley-driven species richness, composition and phenology of Odonata in central Zambia (Rafał Bernard & Bogusław Daraż).
IDF-Report 172 (2022): New additions to the Vietnamese Odonata fauna: Records of Podolestes pandanus Wilson & Reels, 2001a: Zygoptera: Argiolestidae) and Risiophlebia guentheri Kosterin, 2015 (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from a swamp cypress nature reserve in the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Quo Toan Phan, Tosaphol Saetung Keetapithchayakul & Quoc Phu Ngo).
IDF-Report 173 (2022): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part IX: More Odonata from Limbang Division, including the first records from Gunung Buda National Park (Rory A. Dow & Hosli Singa).