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International Dragonfly Fund – Report 142-147

Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund. Sammelband

Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Seitenzahl: 158 (zahlreiche Farbfotos, Verbreitungskarten, Tabellen und Diagramme)

Format: 21 x 15 cm (Paperback)

ISBN: 978-3-931921-29-3

Preis: 17,90 €

Dieser Sammelband enthält 6 Forschungsarbeiten mit insgesamt 158 Seiten sowie zahlreichen Farbfotos, Verbreitungskarten, Tabelle und Diagrammen:

IDF-Report 142: Nataly Yu. Snegovaya (2020) – A progress study of the Odonata from Azerbaijan in summer 2019. 20 Seiten, 41 Farbfotos, 2 farbige Karten

This paper presents the results of a study conducted on the odonate fauna of Azerbaijan covering 15 localities in seven districts (Guba, Khachmaz, Goygol, Samukh, Gusar, Siyazan, Shabran). A total of 36 species was recorded.

Key words: Odonata, fauna, Azerbaijan, Lestes macrostigma, Ischnura fountaineae, Coenagrion scitulum, Lindenia tetraphylla, Sympetrum vulgatum

IDF-Report 143: Issah Seidu, Bukari Saphianu, Martin Kusi Manu & David Amaning Kwarteng (2020) – Contribution to the knowledge of Odonata fauna of the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Bobiri Forest Reserve, Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ankasa Forest Reserve (southern Ghana). 20 Seiten, 9 Farbfotos, 1 Karte, 7 Tabellen

Using a qualitative sampling approach to survey for Odonata along water systems inside and outside of four major protected areas in Southern Ghana (viz; Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Ankasa Forest Reserve, Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Bobiri Forest Reserve), a total of 66 Odonata species in seven families encompassing 28 Zygoptera and 38 Anisoptera were recorded. Libellulidae (n= 36) exhibited the highest number of species, followed by Coenagrionidae (n= 10), and Calopterygidae (n= 5). In considering the observed number of species exhibited by each protected area, the Atewa Range Forest Reserve exhibited the highest number of species (n= 51), followed by the Ankasa Forest Reserve (n= 47), the Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary (n= 44) and Bobiri Forest Reserve (n= 43). Disturbance tolerance species dominated in habitats outside the various forest reserves, whiles forest specialists predominated inside the reserves, indicating the quality of the forest cover therein.

Key words: Odonata, Southern Ghana, Water systems, Ponds, Riverine, forest degrading, species turnover, efficiency of protection regimes, importance of closed canopy, specialist and opportunistic taxa

IDF-Report 144: Chee Yen Choong, Rory A. Dow & Yong Foo Ng (2020) – Additional records of Odonata from Kelantan and Terengganu, Malaysia. 26 Seiten, 10 Farbfotos, 1 farbige Karte

We report here the results from field trips to collect Odonata in the northeastern parts of Kelantan state and the north of Terengganu state, Peninsular Malaysia. Eighty four species were collected, and four of these are new records for the state Kelantan and 10 are new records for the state of Terengganu. Notable records obtained from the field trips were Euphaea masoni, Coeliccia sameerae, Pseudagrion ?lalakense, Leptogomphus tioman and Macromia cupricincta. Checklists for Kelantan (140 species) and Terengganu (132 species) are given in an appendix.

IDF-Report 145: Keith D.P. Wilson (2020) – Taxonomic revisions for a subset of Chinese odonates explained. 13 Seiten

Arising from a number of 2019 IUCN Red List assessments for a subset of Chinese Odonata, a series of corrections and taxonomic revisions were made to the World Odonata List. The rationale for these amendments is provided here. Paragomphus wuzhishanensis Liu, 1988 is shown to be a junior synonym of Paragomphus pardalinus Needham (1942). Epophthalmia kuani Jiang 1998 is synonymised as a junior synonym of Epophthalmia. elegans (Brauer, 1865) and Epophthalmia bannaensis Zha & Jiang, 2010 is treated as a junior synonym of Epophthalmia vittata Burmeister, 1839. Idionyx pseudovictor Xu, 2013 is shown to be junior synonym of Idionyx claudia Ris, 1912 and Sympetrum anomalum Needham, 1930 is treated as a junior synonym of Sympetrum maculatum Oguma, 1922.

Key words: Odonata, China, synonymy, Rhipidolestes nectans (Needham, 1928), Sinolestes editus Needham, 1930, Burmagomphus collaris (Needham, 1929), Stylurus annulatus (Djakonov, 1926), Lamelligomphus biforceps (Selys, 1878), Lamelligomphus choui Chao & Liu, 1989, Gomphidia fukienensis Chao, 1955, Sympetrum vulgatum (Linnaeus, 1758)

IDF-Report 146: Rory A. Dow & Yong Foo Ng, Keith D.P. Wilson (2020) – New records of Odonata from Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, with provisional checklists of species recorded from the states. 29 Seiten, 3 Farbfotos, 3 farbige Karten

Previously unpublished records of Odonata from the states of Negeri Sembilan and Selangor in Peninsular Malaysia are presented. One hundred and eight species are listed, of which 77 were collected in Negeri Sembilan and 87 in Selangor. Fifteen of the species recorded from Negeri Sembilan and seven of those recorded from Selangor appear to be first records for the respective state. Notable records include Drepanosticta sp. cf hamadryas Laidlaw, 1931, Rhinocypha pelops Laidlaw, 1936, Acrogomphus ?malayanus Laidlaw, 1925, Heliogomphus kelantanensis (Laidlaw, 1902); Onychogomphus duaricus Fraser, 1924, Macromia cupricincta Fraser, 1924, Idionyx montana Karsch, 1891, Chalybeothemis chini Dow, Choong & Orr, 2007 and Hylaeothemis clementia Ris, 1909 Ris, 1909. Provisional checklists of the Odonata known from Selangor plus the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (171 species) and for Negeri Sembilan (116 species) are given in appendices.

IDF-Report 147: Damjan Vinko, Dejan Kulijer, Ferdije Zhushi Etemi, Maja Hostnik & Ali Šalamun (2020) – The first systematic survey of the dragonfly fauna of Kosovo. 50 Seiten, 55 Farbfotos, 4 farbige Karten, 2 Tabellen

This paper presents the faunistic results of three short field excursions conducted in spring and early summer of 2018 in Kosovo, considering dragonfly fauna one of the most understudied countries of Europe. This study presents first systematic dragonfly research in Kosovo. Within a total of 13 field days between end of April and end of June 2018, 60 sites were surveyed and 44 dragonfly species were found. Significant results include the first documented report of 15 species for Kosovo. New data on several other species with a broader European concern or generally rare on the West Balkan peninsula, i.e. Coenagrion ornatum, Anax ephippiger, Caliaeschna microstigma, Cordulegaster heros, C. bidentata, Somatochlora flavomaculata, and Sympetrum flaveolum, are also presented. The overview of all visited sites is included. Altogether, 47 dragonfly species are now reported for Kosovo.

Key words: dragonflies, Odonata, Kosovo, Balkan, first records

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